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Monday, 30 May 2011

Games Day 2011 UK are you going?


Just a quick post after seeing GW have released the tickets on general sale rather than just for White Dwarf subs.

So are you going? I know I'm going to, I was just wondering with all the GW hate floating around whether any of you guys were going?

If I do happen to go, it would be my first and I'm really excited. I've looked at pictures and videos for years now debating whether to get into the hobby and finally have properly and really want to go. I might even enter something into the competitions just to say my models are in one of those cabinets, I know I wouldn't win but I'd be proud enough to have something on show =D

If you are going will you be entering in anything?

Also if anyone can tell me there experience with Games Day that would be great also. I see games played, are they free to join in?

I saw last year they had a Space Marine and an Ork, I hope they have something similar for piccys =]

Also I see a chance for a free mini? I like free haha.

I'm genuinely excited to go and see anything new they put up, the displays and all that great stuff.

I'm really just interested in your experiences with Games Day and whether you think its worth me going and whether your going this year.

I'll leave you with one of my favourite Youtube fellas The Great JoJoMan and a nice little video of last years Games Day UK


  1. Im going! sadly i will hang about the daemon booth for most of the time:P
    sadly unless everyone wears BLOG teeshirts no one will know who each other is :P

    if youve been befor could you tell me if there is stuff to do aside from gooing ooh and aah at shiny stuf for 15 mins?


  2. It used to be that there were two queues, one for Golden Daemon entrants and one for non, and you could get in slightly quicker if you entered the contest. Not sure if that's still true, and I wouldn't say enter Golden Daemon just to get in earlier, but if you're still debating it, that chance might be enough to tip the argument.

  3. @ Fuzzbucket - There's a fair bit going on, traditionally a studio area, maybe presentations and exhibitions. The main deal is the games being run for the various systems, which you can join in with, often on unusual tables. It's good fun getting a sense of the scale of the hobby. I'd recommend wargaming and roleplaying cons in general, not only GW. They're often varied and a good chance to see new things.

  4. I'm definitely going! and I'm Excited!




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